Issue - meetings

Olympic Legacy - Mayesbrook Park Sports Centre

Meeting: 23/11/2010 - Cabinet (Item 64)

64 Olympic Legacy - Mayesbrook Park Sports Centre pdf icon PDF 73 KB

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Further to Minute 146 (16 March 2010), the Leader presented a report on the proposals for a number of 2012 Olympic-related activities to be held in Mayesbrook Park following successful lobbying by the Council to create an Olympic legacy in the Borough.


Officers have been in discussions over the past six months with the Olympic Delivery Authority (ODA) and its developer partner, Ebbsfleet Sports Centre Limited, which have resulted in the identification of an area of Mayesbrook Park as the site for the location of a purpose-built sports centre.  The sports centre would serve as a training venue for a number of Olympic and Paralympic events and provide a long-term sporting legacy for use by local clubs and the wider community.  The Leader outlined the Olympic-related activities that would take place at the site and the improvements to the site and its surrounding facilities which the development would bring. 


To facilitate the development in time for the Olympics, it is proposed to enter into a 100-year lease for the site with the developer, Ebbsfleet.  The cost of the development, estimated at over £9 million, will be met by the ODA and the developer and under the terms of the lease the Council would also receive a market rent of £25,000 per annum, which it is proposed will be ring-fenced by the Council to support community access to the new facilities and other improvements to the Park.


The Head of Leisure and Arts also gave an update on the following issues:


·  Planning Position - the Secretary of State’s approval is expected shortly following the resolution of issues raised by Sport for England. 

·  Section 106 Planning Agreement - this will include provisions relating to a concessionary pricing policy, in line with the Council’s own policy, and the availability of facilities for use by schools and sports groups from the Borough.

·  Havering and Mayesbrook Athletics Club - the developer has given a commitment to allow the Club to continue to use the venue and its improved facilities.

·  Performance Bond within the Lease Agreement - this is no longer necessary as the ODA has undertaken to act as guarantor for the delivery of the new sports centre.


Agreed, in order to provide new and improved sporting facilities and achieve an Olympic legacy in the Borough, to:-


(i)  The entering into of a 100-year lease with Ebbsfleet Sports Centre Ltd for the area of Mayesbrook Park that is required for the development of the new sports centre on the terms outlined in the report and subject to the lease restricting use of the development to:


a)  a sports / leisure centre within Planning Use Class D2, plus necessary ancillary uses such as café and refreshment facilities, and

b)  the holding of seminars, music and performing arts events, provided that these do not constitute more than 20% of the total hours of use of the centre;


(ii)  Authorise the Corporate Director of Finance and Resources, in consultation with Legal Partners, to finalise the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 64