Issue - meetings

Interim Organisational Review

Meeting: 23/08/2011 - Cabinet (Item 35)

Interim Organisational Review

(Relates to Council employees and consultations with Trade Unions)


The Chief Executive presented a report on her interim organisation review proposals, together with an outline of the longer-term proposals that would come forward toward the end of 2012.


The Chief Executive explained that the current proposals were designed to make the changes to the organisation most urgently required in line with the following principles:


·  Increasing responsiveness to elected Members and the public

·  Acknowledging financial constraints and the need for increased efficiency and effectiveness

·  Legislative changes

·  Partnership working, including the Elevate partnership with Agilisys

·  Olympic Host Borough status

·  Examining the balance of staffing and responsibilities across the Council


In respect of the proposal to re-introduce annual Chief Officer Performance Management Assessments by Councillors, the Chief Executive responded to Cabinet Members’ suggestions that there may be further benefits of increasing the frequency of the assessment and/or extending them to include Divisional Director level.


Cabinet agreed:-


  (i)  To the principles of an interim organisational review to be undertaken by the Chief Executive, as detailed in the report;


  (ii)  To note that as part of the review the Chief Executive would implement the following actions:


a)  Continuation of four Corporate Director posts at this time, to be reviewed again in October 2012;


b)  Transfer the reporting line of the Divisional Director, Human Resources from the Corporate Director of Finance and Resources to the Chief Executive;


c)  Transfer the Customer Services and Client ICT function from the current Customer Services Directorate to the Finance and Resources Directorate, and rename the Customer Services Directorate “Housing and Environment”;


d)  Enable the Corporate Director of Finance and Resources to support the Cabinet Member of Regeneration, other senior councillors and the Chief Executive, in promoting regeneration issues;


e)  Transfer the lead responsibility for the Olympics from the Corporate Director of Finance and Resources to the Corporate Director of Adults and Community Services;


f)  Re-introduce the formal Councillor performance management assessment of Chief Officers from February / March 2012, to take place at the end of each financial year;


g)  Transfer the Parks Management function from the Culture and Sport division to the Environmental and Enforcement Services division, together with the appropriate budget adjustments in relation to building expenditure;


h)  Transfer the management of “Stage 3” complex complaints from the Audit and Risk division to the Policy and Public Affairs division under the Chief Executive;


i)  Reduction of posts in specific areas, as detailed in paragraphs 3.1.9 - 3.1.11 of the report;


j)  Formally consult with Union representatives on the proposals.