Issue - meetings

Youth Offending Service Inspection

Meeting: 22/11/2011 - Cabinet (Item 72)

72 Youth Offending Service Inspection, July 2011 pdf icon PDF 72 KB

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The Corporate Director of Adult and Community Services introduced a report on the outcome of the assessments by Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Probation (HMIP) and the Care Quality Commission (CQC) of the Council’s Youth Offending Service (YOS).


The HMIP undertook a ‘core case inspection’ during July 2011 which focussed on the three main areas of safeguarding, reducing risk of harm and reducing the likelihood of reoffending.  The Cabinet was pleased to note that the YOS had been recognised as one of the best in the country for ‘reducing the likelihood of reoffending’ and was currently the highest scoring overall in the London region. 


The CQC inspection focused on health issues relating to young offenders.  The Corporate Director highlighted a number of the strengths that had been identified but also referred to the criticism by the CQC of a lack of involvement by the NHS partners in the planning, review and delivery of YOS health provision services and programmes in the borough.  It was noted that the NHS partners had been asked to prepare an action plan in response to the CQC’s criticisms.


Cabinet noted the report and congratulated the YOS Team on its work.