Issue - meetings

Barking Leisure Centre

Meeting: 22/01/2013 - Cabinet (Item 82)

82 New Abbey Leisure Centre - Contract Award pdf icon PDF 151 KB

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Further to Minute 28 (23 August 2011), the Cabinet Member for Finance introduced a report on proposals to progress the development of the new leisure centre in Barking Town Centre.


The Cabinet Member outlined the work that had taken place to date which included the appointment of S&P Architects, who had also acted as design consultant on the Becontree Leisure Centre project, and the tendering of the construction contract for the new leisure centre via the Council’s Construction Framework Agreement.  The Divisional Director of Culture and Sport gave examples of the significant increase in membership and participation levels at the Becontree Leisure Centre since its opening in 2011 and confirmed that a similar level of uptake was anticipated at the new leisure centre.  Councillor Ashraf asked whether the facilities and activities at the new centre would be better suited to individuals’ cultural and religious backgrounds.  The Divisional Director confirmed that those factors had been taken into account during the design phase of the project and the staffing and sessional arrangements would also be more considerate to individuals’ requirements.  The Divisional Director undertook to continue to liaise with Councillor Ashraf on her concerns and to also liaise with Councillor McDermott regarding the Elderberries group.


With regard to the construction of the new leisure centre, officers confirmed that the tender had included a requirement for residents of the Borough to be employed on the construction project.  The Cabinet Member for Health suggested that all large construction contracts let by the Council should, in future, require contractors to fund apprenticeships for local residents.  The Cabinet Member for Health also commented on car parking in the area, as there would be a reduction in available spaces as a consequence of the new development and also because a number of previous developments in the area had not met required levels.  The Divisional Director of Regeneration advised that the Council’s Local Development Framework had been reviewed in the light of the shortfall in the area and he outlined several new opportunities that would help to meet demand in the area.


The Cabinet Member for Finance referred to the total budget projection of £12.98m, of which approximately £10.5m related to the construction costs.  Officers agreed to provide Cabinet Members with the comparative information from the procurement exercise.


Cabinet agreed:


  (i)  To the placing of an order in the sum of £10,493,937 (excluding public realm works) with Willmott Dixon Construction Limited to construct a leisure centre, as detailed in the report;


  (ii)  To the placing of an order in the sum of £345,000 with Willmott Dixon Construction Limited to implement the public realm works surrounding the new leisure centre;


 (iii)  That the total cost of preparing the site, building the leisure centre and equipping it (up to £12,980,000) be funded in accordance with the proposals set out in section 5 of the report;


 (iv)  To continue the appointment of the existing Design Team and Project Manager through to the completion of the project, as set out  ...  view the full minutes text for item 82