Issue - meetings

Performance House - Quarter 3, 2012/13

Meeting: 19/03/2013 - Cabinet (Item 108)

108 Performance House - Quarter 3, 2012/13 pdf icon PDF 201 KB

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The Leader presented the corporate performance report for the third quarter period October to December 2012.


The report contained a summary of the wide range of performance monitored and managed across the Council and drew attention to Eastbrook and Eastbury secondary schools, which were both recently inspected under the tougher inspection framework introduced in January 2012, and both schools had now moved from ‘satisfactory’ to ‘good’.  This meant that eight of the nine secondary schools were now rated as good or better, which put the Borough’s secondary school performance in the upper quartile position and above the England and London average of 66% and 79.5% respectively.


Cabinet agreed to note the corporate performance information for the third quarter of the 2012/13 financial year as set out in Appendices A to D of the report.