Issue - meetings

Education Development Plan

Meeting: 09/04/2003 - Assembly (Item 90)

Barking Town Centre

(i)  Barking Town Centre Action Plan - Presentation by Jeremy Grint, Head of Regeneration


(ii)  Roger Luxton, Director of Education, Arts and Libraries, will introduce the Education Development Plan (EDP) Update for 2003/04


  An introductory report is attached; the EDP itself has been circulated separately


Jeremy Grint, Head of Regeneration, gave a presentation on the Barking Town Centre Action Plan.  The purpose of this is to aid project management and delivery in Barking Town Centre and it sets out objectives, outcomes and priorities for taking the development forward.


The Assembly thanked Mr Grint for his presentation and agreed the Plan as a basis for work this year on Barking Town Centre, together with the outcomes and priorities.