Issue - meetings

Youth Offending Service: Joint Working Arrangements with LB Havering

Meeting: 19/03/2013 - Cabinet (Item 114)

114 Youth Offending Service: Proposed Joint Working Arrangements with the London Borough of Havering pdf icon PDF 73 KB

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Cabinet received the report of the Cabinet Member for Crime, Justice and Communities on the progress made on the integrated service model between the Council and the London Borough of Havering and discussions that had taken place on the initial joint working arrangements of the two Youth Offending Services. 


The initial joint arrangements had already been seen as beneficial to the London Borough of Havering and partners and its Cabinet had approved a report on direction of travel towards a joint Youth Offending Service at its meeting held on 13 February 2013.


Cabinet agreed:


(i)  To note that the pilot joint working arrangements had been successful;


(ii)  To develop the joint-working arrangements further with a view to formal merger of the two Youth Offending Services by March 2014; and


(iii)  To continue the consideration of the extension of the joint service arrangement to include other authorities in the event that it was considered to be in the Council’s interest to do so.