Issue - meetings

Alcohol Strategy and Delivery Plan 2013-16

Meeting: 12/02/2013 - Cabinet (Item 97)

97 Alcohol Strategy and Delivery Plan 2013-16 pdf icon PDF 69 KB

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The Divisional Director of Community Safety and Public Protection presented the final draft Alcohol Strategy and Delivery Plan for 2013-16 developed by the Barking and Dagenham Community Safety Partnership (CSP).


The Divisional Director provided some statistical data which exemplified the scope of alcohol-related issues within the Borough and explained that the overarching aim of the strategy was to achieve a reduction in alcohol-related harm.  To achieve that main aim, the CSP had identified a number of key objectives which were:


·  a reduction in the number of hospital admissions for alcohol-related illness for adults and young people;

·  a reduction in alcohol-related offending and re-offending, including anti-social behaviour;

·  better support to parents, to enable them to talk to their children about alcohol-related issues;

·  a reduction in domestic and violent crimes;

·  a reduction in child neglect and emotional abuse as a result of alcohol misuse; and

·  an increase in the availability of targeted information for all.


The Divisional Director advised that the strategy also contained robust proposals for enforcement, to make those responsible for crime and anti-social behaviour accountable for their actions, as well as measures to support those who are victims of alcohol-related crime and disorder.


Cabinet agreed to endorse the Barking and Dagenham Community Safety Partnership’s Alcohol Strategy and Delivery Plan 2013-16, as attached at Appendix 1 to the report, for implementation by the Community Safety Partnership.