Issue - meetings

Declaration of Members Interest

Meeting: 16/04/2013 - Cabinet (Item 126)

Declaration of Members' Interests

In accordance with the Council’s Constitution, Members are asked to declare any interest they may have in any matter which is to be considered at this meeting.


The following declarations of non-pecuniary interests were made:


·  Councillor Alexander - item 5 (Demand for School Places - Proposed Investment Strategy) - Council-appointed Governor of Eastbury Comprehensive School;

·  Councillor Geddes - item 5 (Demand for School Places - Proposed Investment Strategy) - Council-appointed Governor of Barking Abbey Comprehensive;

·  Councillor McCarthy - item 5 (Demand for School Places - Proposed Investment Strategy) and item 6 (Proposed Transfer of Land at Robert Clack School (Gosfield Road site) to All Saints School and Technology College) - Diocese-appointed Governor of All Saints School and Technology College;

·  Councillor White - item 5 (Demand for School Places - Proposed Investment Strategy) and item 6 (Proposed Transfer of Land at Robert Clack School (Gosfield Road site) to All Saints School and Technology College) - Council-appointed Governor of Robert Clack Comprehensive;

·  Councillor P Waker - item 9 (Award of Contract for Provision of Taxi Services for Children with Special Educational and Complex Needs) - received hospitality in March 2012 from one of the bidders for the contract.