Issue - meetings

Re-organisation of the Library Service

Meeting: 23/07/2013 - Cabinet (Item 25)

25 Future Management Arrangements for the Library Service pdf icon PDF 87 KB


The Divisional Director of Culture and Sport introduced a report on options for the future provision of library services in the Borough.


The Divisional Director explained that the options were developed in the context of the budget saving requirements for 2014/15 and had been the subject of extensive public consultation and scrutiny via the Safer and Stronger Select Committee.  The preferred option (Option 2) represented a ‘mixed economy’ approach which included:


§  The Council continuing to directly manage Dagenham Library, Barking Learning Centre, Valence Library and Thames View Library;

§  Reduced opening hours at Valence library (43 hours per week down to 36) and Thames View library (43 hours per week down to 30);

§  A community management arrangement introduced at Robert Jeyes Library;

§  A volunteer-delivered service at Marks Gate Library with the facility continuing to be managed by the Council.

§  Closure of Rush Green library in view of the enhanced service to be provided at Barking and Dagenham College (Rush Green Campus);

§  A service restructure to be undertaken to produce savings of £400,000 by 2014/15.


In outlining the anticipated timetable for implementing the new measures, the Divisional Director stressed that the ability to recruit volunteers was crucial to their success and would also strongly influence longer term proposals for the library service in view of the continuing pressures on Council funding for 2015/16 and beyond.


With regard to the future of the Rush Green Library premises, the intention was to return the premises to housing accommodation although it was agreed that the final decision should be taken in consultation with the Cabinet Members for Finance and Housing to ensure that all parties were satisfied with the financial arrangements associated with the appropriation.  Members also discussed the need to strengthen the arrangements for reviewing vacant land and property.


Cabinet resolved:


(i)  To approve the implementation of Option 2 as set out in the report in respect of the future management arrangements for the Library Service;


(ii)  To authorise the Corporate Director of Adult and Community Services, in consultation with the Chief Finance Officer and the Head of Legal and Democratic Services, to:


a.  conclude the transfer of the Rush Green Library building to the Housing Service subject to agreement by the Chief Finance Officer, in consultation with the Cabinet Members for Finance and Housing, of the sum required, and

b.  approve the leasing arrangements for the Robert Jeyes Library;


(iii)  To note that savings of £400,000 would be achieved from implementing the above proposals in 2014/15;


(iv)  To agree that the difference between the agreed budget saving of £593,000 and the anticipated saving of £400,000 be managed by the application of corporate contingency funds in 2014/15, and that for 2015/16 the shortfall be addressed as part of the budget savings requirement; and


(v)  To agree that, where appropriate and feasible, officers bring forward the implementation of these proposals into 2013/14.