Issue - meetings

Autism Self Assessment Framework

Meeting: 10/12/2013 - Health & Wellbeing Board and ICB Sub-Committee (Committees in Common) (Item 79)

79 Autism Self Assessment Framework and Autism Mapping Project pdf icon PDF 160 KB

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Bruce Morris (Divisional Director, Adult Social Care) introduced the report to the Board. Arising from the report the following issues or comments were raised:  


·  Due to better assessments and diagnostic tools the borough is catching up to the expected prevalence levels for the population, however there is much progress to be made in detecting people on the autism spectrum. 


·  Specific training for staff to carry out statutory assessments on how to make reasonable adjustments in their approach and communicate to people with autism was identified as a key area for improvement.


·  Autism needs to be strongly reflected in the borough’s Joint Strategic Needs Assessment and through the commissioning plans of partner organisations and the Council.


·  The Board discussed the challenges of integrating services, commissioning support services for people with autism, and delivering training to professionals in the current economic climate.


·  Cllr Reason (Cabinet Member for Adult Services and HR) questioned the Borough Commander about the training police officers are given to deal sensitively with people with autism. Chief Supt. Andy Ewing advised the Board that there is a specially appointed Mental Health Liaison Officer, and more generally Police Officers have good awareness/understanding of the needs of people on the autism spectrum.


The Board agreed to:


·  Agree and validate the submitted Autism Self Assessment Framework ratings and task the Learning Disability Partnership Board to report back on an action plan for the improvement


·  Note the findings from the recently completed independent Autism Mapping exercise.


·  Note the Clinical Commissioning Group and local authority will be working together through the Learning Disability Partnership Board to develop an integrated Health and Social Care Autism Strategy which will be reported back to the Board in 2014.