Issue - meetings

CCTV Strategy and Delivery Plan 2014-2017

Meeting: 21/01/2014 - Cabinet (Item 88)

88 Public Space CCTV Strategy and Delivery Plan 2013-2018 pdf icon PDF 46 KB

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The Cabinet Member for Crime, Justice and Communities introduced the proposed Public Space CCTV Strategy and Delivery Plan for 2013-2018, which had been developed in consultation with the Community Safety Partnership constituent agencies.


The Cabinet Member explained that the overarching aims of the Strategy were to enhance community safety, assist in developing the economic well-being of the Borough and to encourage greater use of the town centres, estates and car parks.  As part of that work, the Cabinet Member referred to possible future opportunities associated with mobile technology.


Cabinet resolved:


(i)  To adopt the Public Space CCTV Strategy and Delivery Plan 2013-2018 as attached to the report; and


(ii)  That officers explore other opportunities for utilising mobile technology (such as cameras on Council vehicles or supporting the use of web cams) to combat crime and disorder.