Issue - meetings

Debt Management Performance and Write-Offs 2013/14 (Quarter 4)

Meeting: 04/08/2014 - Cabinet (Item 11)

11 Debt Management Performance and Write-Offs 2013/14 (Quarter 4) pdf icon PDF 102 KB

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The Leader introduced the performance report for the final quarter period ending 31 March 2014 in respect of the debt management function carried out by the Revenues and Benefits Service within Elevate East London, together with details of the debts written-off as uncollectable during the period and comparable information from previous years.


The Leader referred to the above-target performance in respect of Council Tax, rents, leaseholders and general income collection rates and the Chief Finance Officer elaborated on the significant improvement in the leaseholder collection rate over the past few years.  The Chief Finance Officer also explained the background to the build-up of the former tenant arrears which made up the top 10 debts written-off during the final quarter, the process for pursuing arrears and circumstances which may be taken into account when dealing with those in arrears.  In response to a question from the Cabinet Member for Children’s Social Care, the Chief Finance Officer undertook to provide him with details of the processes relating to “Use and Occupation” cases.


Cabinet resolved:


(i)  To note the report as it relates to the performance of the debt management function carried out by the Revenues and Benefits service operated by Elevate East London, including the performance of enforcement agents; and


(ii)  To note the debt write-offs for the fourth quarter of 2013/14 and that a number of those debts would be publicised in accordance with the policy agreed by Cabinet.