Issue - meetings

Corporate Delivery Plan 2014/15 - Quarter 4 Update

Meeting: 23/06/2015 - Cabinet (Item 16)

16 Corporate Delivery Plan - End of Year (2014/15) Update pdf icon PDF 56 KB

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The Chief Finance Officer introduced the 2014/15 end of year report in respect of the priority projects and performance indicators agreed as part of the Corporate Delivery Plan as well as progress against the LGA Peer Challenge implementation plan.


Arising from the discussions, the following issues were highlighted:


a)  Repeat incidents of domestic violence – It was suggested that the 2014/15 target of ‘not more than 28%’ was not particularly challenging and should be reviewed.  The Corporate Director of Adult and Community Services explained the background to the setting of the target and undertook to discuss the matter with the Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Health at their next portfolio meeting and to circulate London-wide data to Cabinet Members.  The Cabinet Member advised that she intended to review all of the key performance indicators within her portfolio over the coming months to ensure that they were addressing the right areas and acknowledged that while the Domestic Violence service was working well there was a greater need than ever before.  The Chief Executive also referred to the Council’s Ambition 2020 programme which would give a focus to reducing incidents of domestic violence.


b)  Londoneast-uk Project – The Cabinet Member for Regeneration gave an update on the latest developments regarding the former Sanofi site and confirmed that more major partners were taking an active role in the Steering Group and good progress was being made.  It was noted that although Sainsburys plc was no longer planning to build a superstore on the site it was expected that a local store would form part of a wider retail and leisure offer, with strong potential for a Travelodge hotel.


On a general note, Members commented that greater emphasis and publicity should be given to areas of achievement covered in the report.


Cabinet resolved to note the performance for the priority projects, peer review challenge actions and KPIs as at 31 March 2015, as detailed in the appendices to the report.