Issue - meetings

Essex and Suffolk Water Agreement

Meeting: 08/04/2014 - Cabinet (Item 112)

112 Essex and Suffolk Water Agreement pdf icon PDF 34 KB


The Cabinet Member for Housing presented a report on the outcome of negotiations with Essex and Suffolk Water (ESW) regarding the collection of water and sewerage charges from social housing tenants by the Council on behalf of ESW.


The commission payable to the Council would increase from the 13% level under the current agreement with ESW to 15%, effective from 1 April 2014.  The Corporate Director of Housing and Environment confirmed that the additional revenue, projected at £115,000 for 2014/15, had been reflected in the 2014/15 Housing Revenue Account approved by Cabinet at its last meeting (Minute 95, 18 February 2014).


The Cabinet Member for Finance suggested that officers should explore the feasibility of bodies such as Barking and Dagenham Reside entering into similar arrangements with ESW in respect of the properties under their management.


Cabinet resolved that the Council enter into a formal three-year agreement with Essex and Suffolk Water, effective from 1 April 2014, in respect of the collection of water and sewerage charges from social housing tenants on the terms set out in the report.