Issue - meetings

Passenger Transport Service

Meeting: 09/03/2004 - Cabinet (Item 314)

314 Transfer of the Passenger Transport Service pdf icon PDF 71 KB


Received a report proposing that Revenue savings could be forthcoming from an amalgamation of transport management, in accordance with budget reductions for 2004 / 2005 onwards and that from 1 April 2004 the responsibility for this service should be transferred from the Director of Education, Arts and Libraries (DEAL) to the Director of Leisure and Environmental Services (DLES).


Agreed, in order to improve the management structure, improve efficiency and achieve the required budgetary savings, to the amalgamation of the Passenger Transport Services (DEAL) with Transport and Waste Services (DLES) with effect from 1 April 2004 and the responsibility for the management of the amalgamated service being transferred to DLES.