Issue - meetings

Amendment to Temporary and Agency Worker Policy

Meeting: 21/10/2014 - Cabinet (Item 46)

46 Amendment to Temporary and Agency Worker Policy pdf icon PDF 68 KB

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(The Chair agreed that this item could be considered at the meeting as a matter of urgency under the provisions of Section 100B(4)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972 in order to ensure transparency and fairness in the appointment of temporary and agency workers and to introduce new measures to ensure value for money and tight budget control in the light of the Council’s financial position.)


The Cabinet Member for Central Services introduced a tabled report on proposed changes to the Council’s Temporary and Agency Worker policy.


The Cabinet Member advised that the main changes related to the processes for the recruitment and review of consultant and interim manager appointments, which in future would involve consultation with the Cabinet Member for Finance and relevant Portfolio Holder.  The main aims of the changes were to minimise costs, linked to the Council’s non-essential expenditure freeze, and to maximise career opportunities for permanent Council staff.


Cabinet resolved to agree the revised Temporary and Agency Worker Policy as attached at Appendix A to the report.