Issue - meetings

Urgent Care Board Update

Meeting: 09/09/2014 - Health & Wellbeing Board and ICB Sub-Committee (Committees in Common) (Item 47)

47 Urgent Care Board Update pdf icon PDF 64 KB

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Anne Bristow, Corporate Director of Adult and Community Services presented the report.  Anne Bristow and the Chair both raised as a matter of strong concern that despite Matthew Hopkins assurances, that accommodation for the Joint Assessment and Discharge (JAD) Service had still not been resolved and this did not equate to the assurances that were given at the 1 July launch on the importance that was being attached to this new service.  Anne Bristow stressed that there was no need for all the staff to be co-located in one room but it was essential that basic health and safety needs were met and the staff at least had access to phone and computers. 


The Board:


(i)  Noted the report and the strong concerns of the Council in regard to the unacceptable accommodation situation and lack of services, such as phones and computers, that the staff were being asked to operate under; and


(ii)  Noted the assurances that Steven Burgess gave in regard to this being a high priority for BHRUT to achieve and that a report would be presented to the next meeting on action taken to resolve the situation.