Issue - meetings

Barking and Dagenham CCG Commissioning Intentions 2015/16

Meeting: 09/12/2014 - Health & Wellbeing Board and ICB Sub-Committee (Committees in Common) (Item 74)

74 Barking and Dagenham CCG Commissioning Intentions 2015/16 pdf icon PDF 121 KB


Sharon Morrow, Chief Operating Officer Barking and Dagenham Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) presented the report and explained that whilst the Barking and Dagenham CCG has a two year Operating Plan for 2014 to 2016 it is required to refresh its Operating Plans each year in order to take into account changes in local needs, central planning and financial allocations, which were expected around the 23 December for 2015/16 financial year.

Sharron Morrow drew the Boards attention to the details in the report and in particular to:


·  Mental Health – there was likely to be new access targets and a review of recent policy guidance would be undertaken to see what could be done to improve service provision.


·  Cancer Services – There would be a drive to improve early diagnosis in 2015/16 as this would have both improved patient outcomes and reduced the treatment costs overall.


·  Children’s Services – Increased effort in improving health outcomes for children with special education and disability needs, looked after children, care leavers, youth offenders and early year’s development and targeting childhood obesity.  Joint reviews were also planned for children’s therapies and CAMHs.


·  Stroke – A review of the stroke rehabilitations pathway was being undertaken to inform and develop a new model of care that meets national standards and improves patient outcomes and experience of services.


·  Primary Care Improvement – Plans to develop co-commissioning with NHS England following the release of guidance on 10 November 2014.  Away days, workshops would be held.


·  Urgent Care – Increased access to GP services in the evenings and weekends was being progressed by the GP Federations and would be part of the procurement of urgent care pathways across three CCGs.


·  Planned Care – Reviews of the pathways for diabetes and respiratory diseases would be undertaken as well as development of a community dermatology service.


·  Learning Disabilities – It was intended that the commissioning functions for some learning disabilities services would b transferred to LBBD from April 2015, through a Section 75 Agreement.


·  Maternity – Would support improved public health outcomes in related to a reduction of smoking during pregnancy, late access to antenatal care and promote increased breastfeeding.


The Chair commented that the Council would fight the recreation of ‘ONEL’ (Outer North East London) and stressed that we need our own Health and Wellbeing Board to deal with the issues that affect this Borough, as they are not the same as Havering.  The Chair added that whilst it may be easier to commission for three boroughs, it may not be best for the community, especially in Barking and Dagenham. 


Councillor Carpenter commented that she was pleased to see Mental Health included. 


Councillor Carpenter raised the issue of cultural factors and if they could lead to Sudden Infant Death.  Matthew Cole responded that there were links and pointed the Board to the London Health Strategy and commented that and Simon Stevens, Chief Executive, NHS England, needed to look at the role for social prescribing rather than a purely medical role for  ...  view the full minutes text for item 74