Issue - meetings

Information and Advice Plan for Adult Social Care and Support

Meeting: 17/03/2015 - Health & Wellbeing Board and ICB Sub-Committee (Committees in Common) (Item 108)

108 Information and Advice Plan for Adult Social Care and Support pdf icon PDF 115 KB

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Karen West-Whylie, Group Manager-Learning Disabilities, LBBD, presented the report on the Barking and Dagenham’s statutory duty under the Care Act 2014 to provide high quality information to the local population, whether they were in need of services or not at the moment, and the strategic approach to meeting those requirements.  The Plan covered Council provided and commissioned information as well as advice and signposting to other local and national sources of information. 


Karen West-Whylie drew the Board’s attention to the details in the report and the proposed priorities and also explained that a response to enquiries could no longer be the provision of general fact sheets but would require a letter with advice tailored to the individual’s needs.  In addition, from April 2016 advice about the financial aspects of care and support would also be required.


Councillor Carpenter queried the accuracy of the figures of people with mental health problems, on page 91 of the agenda, as they seemed rather low.  Anne Bristow, Corporate Director of Adult and Community Services, felt that the figures may be those with significant mental health problems, rather than less acute or shor- term issues, such as low level anxiety.  The Chair asked NELFT for clarification and Jacqui Van Rossum advised that the service user figures were not those she recognised and also felt they could be higher and she would work with Mike Tyson to ensure these were correct.


Anne Bristow informed the Board of a cross London information initiative that was being investigated at the current time which might provide a digital solution, backed by trained people, and could also be cost effective. 


The Chair commented that there was also a need to support and those with lower categories of mental health needs.  Matthew Cole, Director of Public Health advised that The Maples needs assessment would be completed shortly, and the details could be fed into the Plan.


Ian Winter and Anne Bristow suggested that GPs and other health professional may find the information hub of particular use as the details will be up-to-date, in one place, well indexed and easily understandable.  The hub could be accessed from the Council’s webpage.  All partners were reminded to report any contact changes etc or problems they encounter so that alterations could be made and to ensure that it seen as a reliable central information point. 


The Chair commented that it was important for all the communication teams to make sure that all the links worked and linked together and took people to the information they needed.


Having considered the report and discussed the Information and Advice Plan, which had been developed to provide a strategic approach to meeting the requirements of the Care Act 2014 in relation to providing information and advice, the Board:


(i)  Agreed the priorities:


a)  Ensure there is a comprehensive range of information and advice about care and support available locally.


b)  Ensure all digital and face-to-face information and advice is accurate, up-to-date, easy to understand, and consistent  ...  view the full minutes text for item 108