Issue - meetings

Review of Learning Disability and Autism Health and Social Care Self Assessments

Meeting: 12/05/2015 - Health & Wellbeing Board and ICB Sub-Committee (Committees in Common) (Item 127)

127 Review of Learning Disability and Autism Health and Social Care Self Assessments pdf icon PDF 215 KB


Glynis Rogers,  Divisional Director - Commissioning and Partnerships, presented the report on the submissions that were made under the Learning Disability Self-Assessment Framework (LDSAF) and the Autism Self-Assessment Framework (ASAF) as one way the health partners and Council recognised the overall needs, experience and wishes of both people with a learning disability, autism and their carers.


Glynis explained the self assessment was our response to the Winterbourne View Hospital report.  In addition to providing a national and regional view of services it also provides local context.  There were 26 measures in the Self-Assessment Framework (SAF) and the Council was asked to comment on 23 of those.  Glynis explained that performance had been ‘RAG’ rated and six measures remained at amber.  These six measures primarily related to advocacy services, and concerns around those services had been reported to the Board.  There was one measure where performance had declined, however, the performance had been the same as last year, at 91%, but the benchmark was raised to 100% this year, therefore only 100% achievement would have achieve green. 


Glynis drew the Board’s attention to Autism not being specifically covered in the Housing Strategy and gave assurance that the new Strategy should cover this and this would be monitored by the Learning Disability Group.


In response to a question from Helen Jenner, Glynis confirmed that the term ‘people’ in the report included children.  Helen asked that the report was also presented to the appropriate groups including the Children and Maternity Group.


The Chair commented that this was a high level document and the sub-groups needed to ensure delivery.  The Chair stressed that if any group was struggling to achieve their target(s) then an early indication should be passed to the Board, and they should not wait till the end of the year.  This would give the Board assurance that strategies and delivery plans were working.


Councillor Turner requested that when referring to service users an indication of the numbers we actually have in the Borough was provided.  It was suggested that an overview box providing such data should be included in all reports wherever possible.  This was supported by the Board.


Sarah Barker, Independent Chair of the both the Local Adult and Children Safeguarding Boards, advised that as there were safeguarding aspects she would ensure that this report was put on the Local Safeguarding Boards’ agendas.


Conor Burke credited both the clarity of the report and commented that clearly work was being done.


The Board noted and discussed the submissions and the proposed headline actions set out in the report.


The Board:


(i)  Agreed the proposed actions set out in the report and charged the Learning Disability Partnership Board to expand and take forward those actions at their meeting on 19 May2015.


(ii)  Requested that wherever possible an overview box was provided in all future reports to the Board to give an indication of the number of residents involved / service user in the Borough.