Issue - meetings

Procurement of Various Children's Centre Nursery Services

Meeting: 02/06/2015 - Cabinet (Item 6)

6 Procurement of Various Children's Centre Nursery Services pdf icon PDF 107 KB


The Cabinet Member for Education and Schools introduced a report on the procurement of contracts for the provision of various Children’s Centre nursery services across the Borough.


During the discussions on the proposals, the Leader referred to the recent Government announcement that free nursery provision for three and four year olds would be extended for working families.  The Corporate Director of Children’s Services advised that the detail of the Government’s proposals was still awaited, including the funding arrangements, but suggested that the impact of the proposals would be significant for the Council, as approximately 2,000 extra places would have to be provided.  The Corporate Director confirmed that the specifications for the proposed contracts under consideration took into account the need for future flexibility.


As the Government’s extended nursery provision proposals were only aimed at working families it was likely that the most vulnerable children would not benefit, as was the case for a number of other Government initiatives.  Members acknowledged the need for the Council to give added focus to those excluded from the Government’s new iniatives.


The Corporate Director of Children’s Services advised that a further report would be presented to Cabinet once the detail of the Government’s extended nursery proposals was known.


Cabinet resolved to:


(i)  Agree the procurement of five year contracts, with extension options up to three years, for the provision of nursery services at Gascoigne, Sue Bramley and William Bellamy Children’s Centre Nurseries (Lot 1), Becontree and Sydney Russell Children’s Centre Nurseries (Lot 2) and Abbey and John Perry Children’s Centre Nurseries (Lot 3), on the terms set out in the report; and


(ii)  Delegate authority to the Corporate Director of Children’s Services, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Education and Schools, the Chief Finance Officer and the Head of Legal and Democratic Services, to award and enter into the contracts and co-terminus leases to the successful bidders in accordance with the strategy.