Issue - meetings

Corporate Delivery Plan 2015/16 - Quarter 2 Update

Meeting: 15/12/2015 - Cabinet (Item 73)

73 Corporate Delivery Plan - Quarter 2 (2015/16) Update pdf icon PDF 108 KB

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The Strategic Director of Finance and Investment introduced a report which provided an update on the priority projects and performance indicators agreed by the Cabinet in October 2014 as part of the Corporate Delivery Plan, in addition to progress against the LGA Peer Challenge implementation plan.


In noting the main areas of improved performance, Members praised the work of the active volunteers in the Borough who had already recorded over 20,000 hours of support during the year.  The Leader referred to several events and publications that had recognised the work of volunteers and undertook to ensure that the latest achievements were also publicised.


A number of other issues were also highlighted:


a)  East London University Technical College (ELUTEC) - The Cabinet Member for Education and Schools was pleased to report that ELUTEC had now relocated to the londoneast-uk Business and Technical Park (former Sanofi site).


b)  Pupil Attainment - The latest data showed that primary schools in Barking and Dagenham had improved at a faster rate than other London boroughs, with an increase of 8% over the last year, which meant that 78% of the Borough’s primary schools were rated “good” or “outstanding”.  In relation to secondary education, the percentage of “good” or “outstanding” schools was even stronger at 82%, above the national level (74%) and closing the gap with the London average (85%).  The Cabinet Member for Education and Schools pointed out that Barking and Dagenham was outperforming a number of other London Boroughs, several of which were in far more affluent areas.


c)  Demographic Growth - The Cabinet Member for Children’s Services and Social Care referred to the impact of demographic growth for Barking and Dagenham and other London Boroughs and it was noted that the issue was a key priority amongst London Leaders in discussions with Government Ministers and officials.  Officers also referred to the provisional 2016/17 Local Government Finance Settlement that was due to be announced later in the week and the potential benefits for Barking and Dagenham as a consequence of a proposed new method for distributing Revenue Support Grant.


d)  Capital Programme Review - It was noted that the Public Accounts and Audit Select Committee (PAASC) had planned to carry out a review but it was suggested that an alternative Member-led body could take on the role.


Cabinet resolved to note the performance for the priority projects, key performance indicators and LGA Peer Review implementation plan for quarter 2 of the 2015/16 financial year.