Issue - meetings

Corporate Delivery Plan 2015/16 - Quarter 3 Update

Meeting: 09/03/2016 - Cabinet (Item 105)

105 Corporate Delivery Plan 2015/16 - Quarter 3 Update pdf icon PDF 102 KB

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The Leader of the Council introduced a report which provided an update on achievement levels for key performance indicators (KPIs) within the Corporate Delivery Plan for the period ending 31 December 2015.


The Leader advised that there had been steady progress across the majority of KPIs during quarter 3 and he highlighted some of the key areas for improvement as well as several that were exceeding targets. 


A number of issues arose during the discussions which included:


(a)  Active Age (over 60’s) memberships – It was noted that although the number of memberships was below target the overall number of visits was higher than in 2014/15, which suggested that a number of individuals had held the free membership last year but had not used the service.  The Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Health commented that, at just £52 per year, an Active Age membership would make an excellent present and the Council should encourage families to buy it for their parents.


(b)  Bed and Breakfast Accommodation – The number of families in bed and breakfast accommodation for over six weeks had spiked during the quarter to 16 as a result of enhancements which delayed the opening of Butler Court until January 2016.  However, since the opening the number had reduced to seven and was expected to reduce further during the fourth quarter.


(c)  Long-term empty properties – It was noted that the Council was now amongst the top five local authorities in London and the UK, with only 174 long-term (more than six months) empty homes across the Borough.


(d)  Staff Satisfaction – Members were pleased to note that the latest staff temperature check survey showed an increase in the percentage of staff who were satisfied with working for the Council, which now stood at over 75%.


(e)  Sickness absence – The Cabinet Member for Education and Schools particularly welcomed the plans to introduce mandatory health and wellbeing checks for staff who reached trigger points, which she hoped would help to continue the positive trend.


Cabinet resolved to note the performance against the key performance indicators for quarter 3 of the 2015/16 financial year.