Issue - meetings

Corporate Delivery Plan 2015/16 - Quarter 4 Update

Meeting: 28/06/2016 - Cabinet (Item 9)

9 Corporate Delivery Plan - End of Year (2015/16) Performance Summary pdf icon PDF 114 KB

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The Cabinet Member for Corporate Performance and Delivery introduced the 2015/16 end of year report in respect of the key performance indicators and priority projects agreed as part of the Corporate Delivery Plan as well as progress against the LGA Peer Challenge Implementation Plan. 


The Cabinet Member advised that future performance monitoring reports would have a new, more dynamic format that focused on the top 40 key performance indicators and key tasks for each Cabinet Member portfolio.


Cabinet resolved to:


(i)  Note the closedown report for the LGA Peer Review Implementation Plan update;


(ii)  Note the final summary of progress on the Corporate Priority Projects; and


(iii)  Note the performance against the key performance indicators during 2015/16.