Issue - meetings

Safeguarding Adults Board Annual Report 2014/15

Meeting: 08/12/2015 - Health & Wellbeing Board and ICB Sub-Committee (Committees in Common) (Item 53)

53 Barking and Dagenham Safeguarding Adults Board Annual Report 2014/15 pdf icon PDF 109 KB

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Glynis Rogers, Lead Divisional Director, Adult and Community Services, presented the annual report of the Safeguarding Adults Board (SAB) and explained that this was the first annual report of the SAB under its new statutory status.


Glynis drew the Board’s attention to the report and a number of issues, which included:


·  The preparation for Care Act compliance, which had included the complete review of processes and governance.

·  Engagement undertaken with Partners and their contributions and activity over the course of 2014/15.

·  Training and development sessions, which had included the Care Act and the statutory duty of partnership.

·  Production of ‘must do’ materials, frontline staff training and a single checklist for all partner organisations to help them ensure compliance.

·  All key areas, which were statutory requirements, had been achieved. 

·  The realignment of the SAB, and the work of the Safeguarding Adults Review Group, Learning and Development Group and Performance and Assurance Group.

·  Public awareness raising.

·  Depravation of liberty safeguards and the impact of the ‘Cheshire West’ high court judgement in March 2014.

·  Safeguarding performance indicated 1,367 safeguarding alerts had been received and processed, 283 had required further investigations but many of the alerts were in regard to social care support needs.

·  The publication of London Safeguarding Adults Policy and Procedures was still awaited.

·  Joint Strategic Needs Assessment and Health and Wellbeing Strategy issues.

·  There was one Safeguarding Adults Review in progress, the results of which would be reported the SAB and H&WB, as appropriate, in due course.


The Board noted:


(i)  The Barking and Dagenham Safeguarding Adults Board (SAB) Annual Report 2014/15 and that work had included the realignment of the SAB, the complete review of partners’ processes and governance, and that statutory requirements had been achieved;


(ii)  The key priorities for 2015/16, which included improved sign posting for reporting adults at potential risk; and


(iii)  There was currently one Safeguarding Review being undertaken and the outcomes or any recommendations from that would be reported to both the SAB and Health and Wellbeing Board in due course.