Issue - meetings

Regeneration Best Value Review

Meeting: 17/02/2004 - Cabinet (Item 288)

288 Regenerating the Local Economy - Cross Cutting Best Value Review pdf icon PDF 48 KB

A full copy of the Regenerating the Local Economy - Cross Cutting Best Value Review is available from the Members’ Rooms, on the Internet and at public libraries.

Additional documents:


Received the final report of the cross-cutting Best Value Review of Regeneration, which presents the findings of the review and recommendations for the future.


Agreed, in order to achieve significant improvements in the effectiveness of the Council’s regeneration role:

  1. The improvements and actions detailed in the Improvement Plan;
  1. That those actions requiring Neighbourhood Renewal Funding become the priority schemes for the council when submitting applications; and
  1. To receive further reports on the implementation of the improvement actions in line with the Report.