Issue - meetings

Council Tax Hardship Fund

Meeting: 15/02/2016 - Cabinet (Item 92)

92 Council Tax Discretionary Relief Policy pdf icon PDF 68 KB

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Further to Minute 51(iii) (18 November 2014), the Cabinet Member for Finance and Central Services introduced the proposed policy for supporting local residents in extreme financial difficulty via a Council Tax discretionary relief fund.


The Cabinet Member confirmed that a sum of £50,000 would be set aside, which was expected to provide relief for approximately 375 Council Tax payers.  In addition to the financial support, which would be in the form of a 100% discount for a period of up to two months, those in financial difficulty would also be signposted to other sources of help and advice as a means of establishing longer-term solutions.


Cabinet resolved to:


(i)  Approve the Council Tax Discretionary Relief Policy as attached at Appendix A to the report; and


(ii)  Agree that budget provision of £50,000 be made in 2016/17 to support the policy and to note that the adequacy of the budget shall be reviewed each year.