Issue - meetings

Corporate Delivery Plan 2016/17 - Quarter 3 Update

Meeting: 21/03/2017 - Cabinet (Item 106)

106 Corporate Delivery Plan 2016/17 - Quarter 3 Performance Reporting pdf icon PDF 102 KB

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The Cabinet Member for Corporate Performance and Delivery introduced a report under the new, evolving corporate performance framework for the third quarter of the 2016/17 financial year.


The report covered 49 key accountabilities and 40 key performance indicators (KPIs) and the Cabinet Member drew particular attention to:


(a)   Anti-Social Behaviour Incidents (KPI 9) – The data now included ward-based analysis and the Cabinet Member encouraged all Councillors to study the information.  With regard to the street drinking statistics, officers were asked to provide a breakdown of the incidents;


(b)  Uptake of MMR2 (Measles, Mumps and Rubella) Vaccination at 5 years of age (KPI 18) – The Cabinet Member for Social Care and Health Integration advised on her work with the Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) to improve performance in that and other areas which the CCG was responsible for.  The recent Mobile Breast Screening sessions around Barking Town Centre had been very successful and showed what could be achieved when the CCG took its work into the local community and the Cabinet Member would be pressing the CCG to carry out more initiatives of that nature.


The Leader referred to the local Ward plans that were being developed and the discussions on future service delivery arrangements that were taking place to ensure that the standards that local residents had come to expect were maintained in the future.  The Leader also invited residents to use the “Report It” web page to inform the Council of problems such as graffiti, eyesore gardens and fly-tipping. 


The Cabinet Member for Environment and Street Scene was pleased to report that approximately 4,300 households had subscribed to the Council’s new green garden waste collection service which would commence in the first week of April.


The Cabinet resolved to:


(i)  Note progress against the key accountabilities as detailed in Appendix 1 to the report; and


(ii)  Note performance against the KPIs as detailed in Appendix 2 to the report.