Issue - meetings

Ambition 2020

Meeting: 14/06/2016 - Health & Wellbeing Board and ICB Sub-Committee (Committees in Common) (Item 7)

7 'We all have a part to play' - Public Consultation pdf icon PDF 55 KB

Additional documents:


Meena Kishinani, LBBD, Programme Director, Ambition 2020, presented a report on principles of Ambition 2020 and the public consultation, set out in “We all have a part to play”, which was attached as an appendix to the report.  Meena explained that the Council’s Growth Commission had led on to Ambition 2020 Programme and whilst the position of the Borough had improved significantly, in a regards to many depravation and other national indicators, London’s performance was improving faster.  Consultation was underway in regards to the re-shape of the Council and the way in which Council services would be provided through the Ambition 2020 Programme. There would be a new strategic structure, which would not be based on traditional organisation structures, but upon what was needed to be achieved, long-term goals and higher standards and performance.  Ambition 2020 was also about finding new ways of delivering services and also about changing residents’ perception of the Council being the expected point of solution in the first instance.  The change was essential in order to meet increasing demands at a time when resources were being reduced.


The Board watched the film, which was also available on the Council’s website as part of the Ambition 2020 consultation.  The Board went on to discuss a number of issues including community solutions, ‘My Place’, enforcement, leisure services, parks and open spaces and how the Council was also looking to identify how and why people and families came to the attention of the Council and how appropriate intervention could be put into place to avoid expensive support escalation at a later date.


Meena stressed that the Ambition 2020 aims were aligned to change proposals, such as the STP, and would be part of the foundation for building an ACO.


Sarah Baker asked how the changes and new processes under care and support would be tested to ensure that vulnerable adults and children were not left exposed.  Meena advised that there would be a huge quality assurance function to make sure services are safe.


Matthew Cole, Director of Public Health, asked if the business case for services would be provided to the Board for Partners’ assurance.  Meena advised that Council officers would be working with Partners and details and issues would be brought to the Board as appropriate.


The Board:


(i)  Noted the new strategic structure within the Council and the pressures and challenges driving Ambition 2020;


(ii)  Discussed and commented on the proposals in the consultation document and noted that the deadline for responses was 16 June 2016;


(iii)   Noted the next steps and work that would be undertaken in conjunction with the Partners in relation to issues such as the Accountable Care Organisation (ACO) and Sustainability and Transformation Plan (STP) and that further reports on progress and the business case(s) for appropriate service areas would be presented to the Board in due course in order to provide Partner assurance if requested by the Chair or Lead Officer.