Issue - meetings

Draft Primary Care Transformation Strategy

Meeting: 26/04/2016 - Health & Wellbeing Board and ICB Sub-Committee (Committees in Common) (Item 89)

89 Draft Primary Care Transformation Strategy pdf icon PDF 84 KB

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Sharon Morrow, Barking and Dagenham Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) Chief Operating Officer presented the report and explained that the CCG’s Draft Primary Care Transformation Strategy, which was attached to the report, had been developed in response to a number of drivers for change, such as the NHS Five Year Forward View and the challenges of changing demographics, the increasing number of patients with long-term and multiple-long-term conditions and the number of GP practices that were saying their workload would be unsustainable. 


Sharon explained that the emerging vision was of Primary Care led locality based services, which would be supported by other medical professional services such as pharmacies.  The CCG felt the integrated services would provide personalised, responsive, timely and accessible care that was both patient centred and co-ordinated, which would improve benefits for patients.  It would ensure that patients received a standard offer across all practices.  The Strategy would also encourage partnership working between GPs and would drive a better use of IT.  The King’s Fund framework would be used to develop place based care in Barking and Dagenham.  Sharon drew the Board’s attention to the timescale and the next steps set out in the report.


Dr John, Clinical Director Barking and Dagenham CCG, commented that the current GP model would not be sustainable and this vision was trying to improve longstanding problems and to improve patient outcomes.  The strategy would encourage partnership working, including with local authorities to integrate health and social care.  There was also the added pressure of the number of GPs retiring in the area and across London and the South generally. 


The Board raised a number of issues, including: 


-  Other Factors – Health and care provision alone was not the answer and other social impacts, such as jobs and quality housing all have an impact on long-term health outcomes.  Matthew Cole, Director of Public Health agreed to provide some wording on this issue to the CCG.


-  Delivery and Funding - How would this Strategy be aligned with other issues, such as the Better Care Fund and how would delivery be achieved?  How would it be resourced, bearing in mind the £400m funding gap that exists across the BHR health and social care system? 

Ambition 2020 and any proposals emanating from that would impact on social care services will be delivered in the future.  This had not been taken into account.


Preventative Health measures and better lifestyle choices may not have an impact for many years to come.  As a result there were still pressures that needed to be met both now and in the short to medium future.


-  Document Accuracy - The details in the document also needed to be accurate, for example one GP mentioned in it had already retired a few months ago.


-  Staffing Levels - LBBD was second from bottom for GP staff numbers per 1,000 population.  Why was Barking and Dagenham so low in the rating and why were other boroughs better staffed when they had  ...  view the full minutes text for item 89