Issue - meetings

Parking Strategy 2016 - 2026

Meeting: 18/10/2016 - Cabinet (Item 51)

51 Parking Strategy 2016 - 2021 pdf icon PDF 69 KB

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The Cabinet Member for Enforcement and Community Safety introduced the proposed five-year Parking Strategy for the Borough.


The Cabinet Member advised that the vision of the Strategy was “to provide safe, fair, consistent and transparent services” and the vision was supported by the five main priorities:


- Reduce congestion caused by parked vehicles and improve road safety;

- Make best use of the parking space available;

- Enforce parking regulations fairly and efficiently;

- Provide appropriate parking where needed; and

- Ensure that the low emissions and air quality strategy for London is at the heart of decision-making.


The Strategy responded to residents’ concerns through an area-based approach to parking controls while other new measures would include the introduction of a carers parking permit scheme by April 2018 and free parking periods at on-street shopping locations and Council-owned parks.  The Cabinet Member advised that a report on parking fees and charges would be presented to the November Cabinet meeting, although it was proposed that the 30 minute free parking at on-street shopping locations and 60 minutes free parking at park car parks be agreed at this evening’s meeting in order for the arrangements to be in place in the lead up to Christmas.


Cabinet Members spoke in support of the Strategy, which they felt represented a good balance between the needs of the local community and the Council’s wider interests, and particularly welcomed the introduction of the use of enforcement cameras outside schools to discourage inconsiderate parking that put other children at risk.


The Cabinet resolved to:


(i)  Approve the Parking Strategy 2016 - 2021 at Appendix A to the report;


(ii)  Authorise the Strategic Director of Customer, Commercial and Service Delivery, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Enforcement and Community Safety, to agree minor amendments to the Strategy prior to its publication; and


(iii)  Agree to the implementation of 30 minutes free parking at on-street shopping locations and 60 minutes free parking at Council park car parks, with effect from 1 December 2016.