Issue - meetings

Health and Wellbeing Outcomes Framework Report - Quarter 3 2016/17

Meeting: 14/03/2017 - Health & Wellbeing Board and ICB Sub-Committee (Committees in Common) (Item 76)

76 Health and Wellbeing Outcomes Framework Report - Quarter 3 2016/17 pdf icon PDF 72 KB

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Matthew Cole, Director of Public Health, presented the report which provided an overarching dashboard and drew attention to a number of specific indicators, including immunisations, teenage conception rates, smoking quitters, permanent admissions of over 65s to residential and care homes, health checks, diabetes, and cancer screening.  and across the life course performance.


The issue of resident turn over and the effect that appeared to be having on children presenting for their immunisations was discussed and how the Children’s Health Improvement Programme (CHIP) should enable children to be followed easier.  It was noted that the CCG did not appear to have a target set and Matthew advised he would be discussing this with the CCG in due course.  Councillor Turner stressed the risk this posed to children and asked if there was a need to look at institutionalised practice, especially to improve hard to reach groups.  Councillor Turner asked if the practice level performance could be provided at the next meeting.


The Chair commented that she was concerned about the delay on achieving the target for health checks for Looked After Children, especially as we know where they are, GPs in the same borough policing their colleagues and a number of other issues.  In view of this the Council had now formally requested a meeting with the CCG to discuss what proactive and other action they would undertake to deal with persistent year-on-year GP underperformance in achieving their targets.


The Board:


(i)  Noted that NHS England had devolved performance monitoring to a local level;


(ii)  Reviewed the overarching dashboard and noted the detail provided on specific indicators and raised its concern on the continued underperformance by some GP practices across a number of areas including, health checks, diabetes, smoking, vaccinations and cancer screening and also the delay on achieving the target for health checks for Looked After Children; 


(iii)   Noted that the Council had formerly requested a meeting with the CCG on action that it would be taking to improve persistent year-on-year GP performance target under achievement; and


(iv)  Requested that GP practice level performance data is be provided at the next meeting.