Issue - meetings

Abbey Green and Barking Town Centre Conservation Area - Funding Application to the Heritage Lottery Fund

Meeting: 13/02/2017 - Cabinet (Item 99)

99 Heritage Lottery Fund Bid for the Abbey Green and Barking Town Centre Conservation Area Townscape Heritage Project pdf icon PDF 91 KB

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The Cabinet Member for Economic and Social Development presented a report on a proposed second-round funding application to the Heritage Lottery Fund’s (HLF) Townscape Heritage initiative to support a range of projects within the Abbey and Barking Town Centre Conservation Area, including locally listed properties across the East Street and Station Parade area.


The Cabinet Member referred to some of the improvements that had already been made to the Town Centre landscape and the key projects that would be supported by the funding bid.  The projects included heritage-led shopfront and building improvements as well as landscape enhancements at Abbey Green and St. Margaret’s Church.  The Council’s bid would also support the establishment of two new officer posts to project manage the delivery phase of the scheme and to deliver an education and activity programme.  It was further noted that representatives of St. Margaret’s Church were preparing their own bid for funding to support restoration and improvement works to the scheduled ancient monument at Abbey Green.


Cabinet Members expressed their support for the application and commented on the possible role that the Technical Skills Academy and local schools could have in supporting the project.


The Cabinet resolved to:


(i)  Support a second-round funding application to the Heritage Lottery Fund’s Townscape Heritage programme in the sum of £1.151m for a heritage building improvement scheme and educational project in the Abbey and Barking Town Centre Conservation Area on the terms set out in the report; and


(ii)  Agree that the Council contributes up to £407,500 of match funding towards the total project cost of £1.712m.