Issue - meetings

Discharging of the Homelessness Duty within the Private Rented Sector Policy

Meeting: 25/04/2017 - Cabinet (Item 114)

114 Policy on the Discharge of the Homeless Duty with a Private Rented Sector Offer pdf icon PDF 92 KB

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Further to Minute 63 (15 November 2016), the Cabinet Member for Economic and Social Development introduced a report on the proposal for the Council to discharge of its housing duty to those presenting as homeless by way of a Private Rented Sector Offer (PRSO).


The Cabinet Member explained that private rent levels in London and surrounding areas and an increasing reluctance of private landlords to let properties to those in receipt of Housing Benefit had led to the Council having to review its own approach to accommodation for the homeless.  The gap between the level of Local Housing Allowance and average rents was over £460 a month, which placed a significant extra burden on individuals and families.  In order to reduce that burden, the intention was for the Council to source properties outside of the London area subject to any mitigating circumstances which would be considered on an individual basis. 


The Cabinet Member confirmed that in order to support a smooth relocation, the Council would provide training to help residents maintain their new tenancy and supply a comprehensive directory of the resettlement area covering transport networks, health and educational services’ community facilities and employment and training opportunities. 


Cabinet Members expressed their dismay at the Government’s neglect of the most vulnerable in the community and for forcing the Council to follow other London Boroughs in pursuing the PRSO route.  It was, however, acknowledged that the package of measures that the Council would have in place to support those who relocated were very robust and reflected the Council’s ongoing commitment to its residents.


The Cabinet resolved to approve the policy framework for the discharge of the homeless duty with a private rented sector offer, as set out at Appendix 1 to the report.