Issue - meetings

Corporate Plan 2017/18 - Quarter 3 Performance Reporting

Meeting: 19/02/2018 - Cabinet (Item 96)

96 Corporate Plan 2017/18 - Quarter 3 Performance Reporting pdf icon PDF 99 KB

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The Cabinet Member for Corporate Performance and Delivery introduced the corporate performance framework report for the third quarter of the 2017/18 financial year.


Over half of the 47 key performance indicators (KPIs) were showing a ‘green’ rating against the 2017/18 target while five were rated as ‘red’.  The Cabinet Member suggested that some of the greatest challenges related to those areas where the Council worked in partnership with other organisations such as the Police and the NHS. 


The Cabinet Member confirmed that there was still considerable work to do to improve performance across the board and he highlighted some of the key areas of improvement, such as the refuse collection service which had seen a drop in missed collections from 1 in 9 at one stage to now 1 in 200. 


Other issues that arose during the discussions included:


·  The Council’s drive to significantly improve the number of new homes built in the Borough, particularly ‘affordable’ homes.  The Cabinet Member for Economic and Social Development referred to the recent planning approval which would enable development to commence at Fresh Wharf Estate for up to 911 new homes and the ongoing dialogue aimed at progressing the delivery of a further 13,000 new homes, predominately in the Barking Riverside area.  The Cabinet Member for Corporate Performance and Delivery made a further point regarding the number of planning approvals that had been granted but not progressed and he suggested that many were solely for the purpose of improving profit levels rather than a genuine intention to develop;


·  The recent Challenge session aimed at improving the number of employment opportunities and associated support for people with learning difficulties; and


·  The need to closely monitor any changes in Police-based statistics which may stem from the new Borough Command Unit arrangements.


The Cabinet resolved to:


(i)  Note progress against the Key Accountabilities as detailed in Appendix 1 to the report; and


(ii)  Note performance against the Key Performance Indicators as detailed in Appendix 2 to the report.