Issue - meetings

Corporate Plan 2017/18 - Quarter 4 Performance Reporting

Meeting: 19/06/2018 - Cabinet (Item 10)

10 Corporate Plan 2017/18 - Quarter 4 Performance Reporting pdf icon PDF 99 KB

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The Cabinet Member for Finance, Performance and Core services introduced the corporate performance framework report for the fourth quarter of the 2017/18 financial year.


The Cabinet Member drew attention to the areas of improved performance and those requiring further improvement amongst the Key Accountabilities and the 47 key performance indicators (KPIs) and stressed the importance of setting challenging, realistic targets going forward in order to ensure that the performance monitoring regime was delivering real improvement to the lives of residents.  In that respect, the Cabinet Member confirmed that the current performance reporting arrangements were being reviewed.


Issues that arose during the discussions included:


·  Green Garden Waste Service – The Cabinet Member for Public Realm advised that the number of subscribers to the paid-for service had increased from the 6,441 quoted in the report and the service continued to prove popular and successful in its second full year.


·  Teenage Pregnancy rates – The Cabinet Member for Social Care and Health Integration commented that despite the ongoing reduction in the number of conceptions, Barking and Dagenham continued to have one of the highest rates across London and it was important, therefore, to understand the reasons for this as part of the new performance arrangements.


The Cabinet resolved to:


(i)  Note progress against the Key Accountabilities for the 4th quarter 2017/18 as detailed in Appendix 1 to the report; and


(ii)  Note performance against the KPIs for the 4th quarter 2017/18 as detailed in Appendix 2 to the report.