Issue - meetings

Growth Commission Recommendations Progress Report

Meeting: 17/10/2017 - Cabinet (Item 54)

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Further to Minute 118 (19 April 2016), the Leader presented a report on progress against the principles that were adopted by the Council in response to the independent Growth Commission report “No-one left behind: in pursuit of growth for the benefit of everyone”, together with the latest position on the priority actions identified by the Select Committees following their consideration of the Growth Commission’s specific recommendations.


The Leader referred specifically to the development and publication of the Borough Manifesto, which set out a 20-year vision for the Borough, the Council’s plans to build new housing that offered greater choice and the opening of Coventry University’s new London campus at the Civic Centre, Dagenham, and the launch of the Barking & Dagenham Lottery which would raise money for local good causes, as examples of progress over the past 12 months.  The Leader also pointed to the updates in respect of the 16 priority actions identified by the Select Committees. 


Cabinet Members commended the progress that had been achieved to date and suggested that an annual appraisal should be presented.  It was further suggested that the Council would benefit from an independent assessment of progress, possibly through a reconvened Growth Commission, at key milestones during the years ahead.


The Cabinet resolved to:


(i)  Note progress made against the principles adopted by the Council following the Growth Commission review;


(ii)  Note progress made against the priority actions identified by the Select Committees; and


(iii)  Agree that a similar progress report be presented to the Cabinet on an annual basis and that an independent assessment of the Council’s progress against the Commission’s 109 recommendations be undertaken during 2018/19.