Issue - meetings

BAD Youth Forum Annual Report 2017

Meeting: 31/01/2018 - Assembly (Item 45)

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The Assembly received the BAD Youth Forum’s 16th Annual report, introduced by the Group Manager for Integrated Youth Services who was accompanied by representatives of the Youth Forum.


The Group Manager advised that the Forum was made up of 60 young people, elected from schools and youth groups in the Borough, who undertook a number of activities and initiatives.  One key initiative was the creation of sub-groups, which considered the following:


·  Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) Sub Group:  The Sub Group, following a group decision to work on a CSE campaign, met with representatives from Barnado’s who were training Sub-Group members to become CSE Ambassadors.  The Sub-Group decided to focus particularly on grooming and the members made a short film to raise awareness of the ‘grooming line’, which addressed the different stages of grooming.


·  Young Mayor’s Sub-Group: The Sub-Group raised £3,482 for the Young Carers project through a variety of fundraisers such as cake sales, non-uniform school days, a cricket match and a charity football tournament.


·  Young Inspectors Sub-Group:  The Sub-Group focussed on sexual health and undertook 150 inspections of pharmacies who had signed up to the ‘Come Correct’ scheme.  Arising from the inspections, 18 pharmacies had made improvements.


In addition to the regular activities that Forum members took part in during the course of the year, special activities included:


- Visiting the Houses of Parliament to learn more about national politics;

- Participating in the Borough’s Youth Parade; and

- Attending a day of activities at Stubbers Outdoor Activity Centre.


The Assembly was pleased to hear that former members of the Forum were still involved in its work, offering support and guidance which was very much appreciated by the current members.


Following the presentation, a number of Councillors paid tribute to the excellent work of the Forum throughout the year and particularly mention was made of the positive impact of the work of the CSE Sub-Group.