Issue - meetings

Controlled Parking Zone Policy

Meeting: 18/09/2018 - Cabinet (Item 25)

25 Controlled Parking Zones - Consultation and Decision-Making Process pdf icon PDF 96 KB

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Further to Minute 19(x) of the last meeting, the Cabinet Member for Enforcement and Community Safety presented a report on the proposed process for consulting on and implementing controlled parking zones (CPZs) across the Borough.


The Cabinet Member advised that, in line with the Council’s Parking Strategy 2016 - 2021, the new CPZ arrangements were aimed at improving traffic flow and road safety at the same time as reducing congestion and air pollution, with particular focus given to improving the ability to park for the most vulnerable road users, including blue badge holders.  The Cabinet Member referred to the eligibility criteria for CPZ schemes, the consultation process for proposed schemes and the criteria for decision-making, which would be informed by the feedback received from local residents and ward councillors.


The Cabinet resolved to approve the process for CPZ consultation and the decision-making criteria as detailed in the report.