Issue - meetings

Enforcement Fees and Charges Review

Meeting: 21/05/2019 - Cabinet (Item 4)

4 Enforcement Service Fees and Charges Review pdf icon PDF 93 KB

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Further to Minute 54 (13 November 2018), the Cabinet Member for Enforcement and Community Safety introduced a report on proposed revisions to a number of charges relating to fixed penalty notices (FPN) and other licences and permits.


The Cabinet Member advised that a recent service review had looked at ways to further deter anti-social behaviour associated with fly tipping, litter and commercial waste.  Steps to improve the food safety inspection regime had also been identified while licence fees for a range of functions, including the licensing of mandatory Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs), had been included in the review following recent Court rulings. 


In respect of fly tipping, litter and commercial waste, the Cabinet Member pointed out that as well as increasing the level of fines, the option of an early payment discount was to be removed so as not to ‘reward’ those who committed such offences.


Associated with the previous report relating to CPZs, the issue of parking for school staff had also been reassessed with a view to achieving a balance between the principles of CPZs and the operational needs of schools and their staff.  As a result, the Cabinet Member confirmed that school staff would be eligible to apply for a parking permit for the CPZ area(s) aound their place of work, at the same rate as the permit charge made to Council employees.


Cabinet resolved to:


(i)  Agree to increase the fixed penalty notice (FPN) fee for littering offences (including littering from vehicles) from £75 to £150 with no early repayment discount;


(ii)  Agree to increase the FPN fee for fly-tipping offences from £150 to £400 with no early repayment discount;


(iii)  Agree to increase the FPN fee for commercial waste receptacle offences from £100 to £110;


(iv)  Agree to introduce a new charge for food premises re-inspections of £240;


(v)  Agree the amendment of various licensing fees, including those for mandatory HMOs, as set out at Appendix 1 to the report; and


(vi)  Agree the introduction of a new School Staff parking permit, set at the same rate as the LBBD staff permit, to enable school staff to park in a controlled parking zone area.