Issue - meetings

Controlled Parking Zones - Update and Funding

Meeting: 21/05/2019 - Cabinet (Item 3)

3 Controlled Parking Zone Programme - Update and Funding pdf icon PDF 131 KB

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Further to Minute 19(x) (17 July 2018) and Minute 25 (18 September 2018), the Cabinet Member for Enforcement and Community Safety presented a report on the proposed roll-out of the Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) project and changes to the Council’s Domestic Vehicle Footway Crossover Policy (the “Dropped Kerb Policy”) in relation to CPZ areas.


The Cabinet Member explained that the Borough faced a number of challenges in its efforts to improve road safety and reduce congestion and vehicle pollution.  The introduction of the Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) in central London on 8 April 2019 and its proposed expansion in the years ahead was predicted to increase the pressure on Barking and Dagenham’s roads as drivers and commuters sought to avoid the new charge by parking in areas just outside of the ULEZ.  The expansion of the Borough’s CPZ programme would, therefore, support local residents’ expectations to be able to park outside their homes, while also responding to concerns expressed by the emergency services in relation to the problems caused by indiscriminate parking and congestion on the Borough’s roads.


The Cabinet Member referred to the costs associated with the project, covering public consultation, the implementation of Traffic Management Orders and installation works.  It was also pointed out that the additional income from the project, once the borrowing had been repaid, would be ring-fenced to support the Parking Service and improved / increased enforcement.


With regard to the Dropped Kerb Policy, the Cabinet Member advised that some changes were necessary to ensure that the Council’s costs were fully recovered.  To ensure, therefore, that the arrangements continued to be fair and transparent it was proposed that the information sent to residents would clearly state that an additional charge (above the normal fees) would be payable for applications for a dropped kerb received after a TMO was in place.  All successful applications made prior to the publication of a TMO would be charged at the ‘normal’ rate.


Cabinet Members spoke in support of the proposals, in particular the public consultation arrangements, the measures to improve safety around the Borough’s schools and improving access for emergency and refuse vehicles. 


Cabinet resolved to:


(i)  Agree the roll-out of the Controlled Parking Zone project at an estimated total cost of £3.523m as detailed in the report, to be funded initially by borrowing and on the basis that the funding, plus interest costs, shall be recovered by the income raised from the project in the initial years;


(ii)  Agree the carry forward of the remaining capital allocation of £260,000 from 2018/19 to the 2019/20 Capital Programme and the reprofiling of the current allocation (totalling £860,000) to 2019/20;


(iii)  Agree additional capital funding of £901,600 for 2019/20 and £1,761,600 for 2020/21;


(iv)  Delegate authority to the Director of Law and Governance, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Enforcement and Community Safety and the Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Social Housing, to amend the Council’s Domestic Vehicle Footway Crossover Policy based on the principles set out  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3