Issue - meetings

Brexit and No Deal Preparedness

Meeting: 15/10/2019 - Cabinet (Item 56)

56 Brexit Preparedness pdf icon PDF 130 KB


The Cabinet Member for Finance, Performance and Core Services introduced a report on the preparations across the Council with regard to Brexit and the potential negative impacts that may arise.


The Cabinet Member referred to the main areas of risk and mitigating actions detailed in the report, which covered aspects such as EU funding and the wider economic impact, contractual matters, supply chains, service provision and staffing, community cohesion and the delivery of capital projects.  It was noted that the Council had also been liaising with the Government, regional bodies and key local voluntary sector organisations on a range of relevant matters.


The Cabinet Member advised on some of the practical steps already taken to ensure the delivery of key Council services during any transition period.  He also referred to a new Brexit webpage to be launched on the Council’s website which would include links to other useful information such as the EU Settlement Scheme.  In that respect, it was noted that the arrangements for vulnerable people living in the Borough seeking settled status appeared to be running very smoothly.  Other issues discussed included the potential impact on local schools and their involvement in the Council’s preparations, as well as the NHS’s preparations and the possible impact on NHS staffing levels if low-paid staff from overseas were deemed ineligible to work after Brexit, as appeared to be the case under the Government’s current plans.


Cabinet resolved to note the areas of risk, mitigating actions and preparations being undertaken by the Council in respect of Brexit.