Issue - meetings

Update on COVID-19 Issues

Meeting: 20/10/2020 - Cabinet (Item 31)

31 Update on COVID-19 Issues pdf icon PDF 48 KB


The Cabinet Member for Social Care and Health Integration gave an update on COVID-19 issues relating to the Borough.


It was noted that since the beginning of the pandemic approximately 1,900 residents had tested positive for the virus and there had been an increase of 230 cases in the past seven days, which meant that the Borough infection rate was now at 109 cases per 100,000.  As the London-wide rate was over the 100 cases per 100,000 population threshold, London had moved into Tier 2 restrictions.  Sadly, a further three Borough residents had died from the virus in the past week, bringing the total number to 174.  The Cabinet Member encouraged everyone in the Borough to follow the advice to help prevent the spread of the disease. protect the most vulnerable in the community and avoid a second lockdown.


The Cabinet Member confirmed that there had been outbreaks in 60 Borough schools, although she was pleased to report that due to the effective arrangements in place all schools had continued to operate.  An additional testing site was due to open in the Marks Gate area next week, bringing the total number of sites in the Borough to three, although local testing rates had declined of late.  The Council had also taken on some responsibilities to support the national Test and Trace programme and the Leader advised on local testing arrangements specifically aimed at key frontline workers in the Borough.


The Cabinet Member for Educational Attainment and School Improvement reminded parents and carers of the steps that they should take when arriving at school gates.  The Cabinet Member for Enforcement and Community Safety also gave an update on the actions taken within her portfolio area to enforce compliance and support local businesses, groups and individuals.


Cabinet resolved to note the update on the latest COVID-19 pandemic issues relating to the Borough.