Issue - meetings

Independent Review of the Fire at Samuel Garside House, Barking

Meeting: 19/01/2021 - Cabinet (Item 68)

68 Independent Review of the Fire at Samuel Garside House, Barking pdf icon PDF 96 KB

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The Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Social Housing presented a report detailing the findings and recommendations arising from an independent review commissioned by the Council and led by Sir Steve Bullock and Diarmaid Ward, into the events and aftermath of the fire at Samuel Garside House at Barking Riverside that occurred in June 2019.


The Cabinet Member recalled the events surrounding the fire on the day which was an emotional and traumatic time for all involved and primarily the residents. He paid tribute to the efforts of Council staff in responding to the fire, including setting up an emergency centre at Thames View Community Centre, and the help and support that came from individuals, families, voluntary and community groups both on the day and the period thereafter.


The report outlined the events of the day and the review team’s interpretation of the key issues.  Of particular note, the report highlighted how the Council stepped up to deliver for residents amid a confusing mix of responsibilities, caused by the complex private ownership and management arrangements of the building.


The Cabinet Member summarised the key findings and recommendations arising from the review which had brought together a series of practical, relatively inexpensive measures to improve public safety which he hoped would become legally binding through, for example, a Parliamentary Private Members Bill.


The Leader reflected on his role as London Councils Lead on Housing and Planning and commented that, in his view, the Government’s response to date to the Grenfell tragedy had made it harder for local government to protect its local residents when it came to fire safety. Cabinet Members also commended the way the community rallied together to support residents.


The Leader place on record his thanks to the efforts of the Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Social Housing as well as to both Sir Steve Bullock and Diarmaid Ward for their thorough review of the key events surrounding the fire, identifying the lessons learnt and recommendations for action and/or change.


Cabinet resolved to:


(i)  Note the full independent review report at Appendix 1 to the report; and


(ii)  Endorse the recommendations for Government and the private sector as set out in paragraph 2.3 of the report and section 3 of the full independent review report.



(Prior to moving on to the next item of business, the Cabinet resolved to suspend Standing Order 7.1 (Part 2, Chapter 3 of the Council Constitution) to allow the meeting to continue beyond the two-hour duration threshold.)