Issue - meetings

Corporate Plan 2020-22 - Quarters 3 and 4 2021/22 Performance Reporting

Meeting: 12/07/2022 - Cabinet (Item 22)

22 Corporate Plan 2020-22 - Quarters 3 and 4 2021/22 Performance Monitoring pdf icon PDF 140 KB

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The Cabinet Member for Finance, Growth and Core Services introduced a report which summarised performance in quarters three and four of 2021/22 against the numerous metrics and deliverables contained in the Council’s Corporate Plan 2020-22.


The Cabinet Member highlighted some of the key achievements, ambitions, challenges and areas of risk across portfolios, which included:


·  the delivery of over 3,000 new affordable homes in the Borough by March 2023;

·  a 43% increase in the number of children meeting the threshold for statutory intervention from Children’s Social Care, from 2,349 at the end of 2019/20 to 3,357 at present;

·  a 31% increase over the same period in the number of children meeting the extremely high child protection threshold;

·  a return to pre-pandemic levels in Early Years provision;

·  a record number of Year 11 students progressing to an education destination; and

·  the lowest ever recorded number of young people aged 16-18 not in education, employment or training (NEETs).


The Deputy Cabinet Member for Performance and Data Insight added that, as had been discussed earlier in the meeting, the cost-of-living crisis was an increasing risk across a range of areas despite the Council’s proactive, preventative approach.  Other Cabinet Members spoke on aspects of their respective portfolios and it was acknowledged that the advent of the new Integrated Care System would require thought to be given to new overarching, strategic objectives relating to health and social care to be added to the performance monitoring regime.


Cabinet resolved to note the performance highlights and areas of improvement relating to quarters 3 and 4 of the 2021/22 financial year, as set out in Appendix 1 to the report.