Issue - meetings

Procurement of Framework for Day Care and Home Care Services for Residents with Disabilities

Meeting: 16/11/2021 - Cabinet (Item 55)

55 Procurement of Framework for Day Care and Home Care Services for Residents with Disabilities pdf icon PDF 123 KB

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The Cabinet Member and Champion for Disabled People presented a report on the procurement of a framework contract for day care and home care services for residents with disabilities, to commence from 1 April 2022 when current arrangements expired.


The Cabinet Member explained that home care (also referred to as domiciliary care) was health care or supportive care provided to adults, young people and/or children by a professional carer, either at their home or where they may be living, while day care provided support to the service user to improve their quality of life and remain as independent as possible within their own home, the community and their chosen way of life.


The Care Act 2014 required local authorities to commission a range of providers for individuals to access various support services, whilst ensuring that individuals had choice and control over their support purchases.  The Cabinet Member advised that as well as ensuring that the Council was compliant with the Act and financial contractual regulations, the framework would expand the range of services available and introduce a results-based accountability model to strengthen the monitoring of service quality and costs.


Cabinet resolved to:


(i)  Agree that the Council proceeds with the procurement of a framework for day care and home care services for residents with disabilities and/or mental health, in accordance with the strategy set out in the report; and


(ii)  Authorise the Strategic Director, Children and Adults, in consultation with the Cabinet Member and Champion for Disabled People and the Strategic Director, Law and Governance, to conduct the procurement and award and enter into the contract(s) and all other necessary or ancillary agreements with the successful bidder(s), in accordance with the strategy set out in the report.