Issue - meetings

Air Quality Action Plan Delivery Update

Meeting: 22/03/2022 - Cabinet (Item 97)

97 Air Quality Action Plan Delivery Update pdf icon PDF 139 KB

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Further to Minute 83 (15 February 2021), the Cabinet Member for Enforcement and Community Safety introduced an update report on the delivery of the Council’s Air Quality Action Plan (AQAP).


The AQAP contained 49 actions and interventions that the Council had committed to delivering between 2021 and 2025 to improve air quality and reduce harmful emissions which impacted on public health and blighted local communities.  The Cabinet Member highlighted several of the areas of progress that had been achieved in the first year of the AQAP’s implementation, which included improvements to cycling and walking networks to encourage active travel, a major tree-planting programme, the introduction of free parking for electric and low emission vehicles, the Council’s ‘Cosy Homes’ programme aimed at reducing emissions from buildings and the transition of the Council’s vehicle fleet to electric. 


An additional proposal related to introduction of new arrangements to discourage vehicle engine idling and raise driver awareness through positive engagement and targeted communications.  The Cabinet Member confirmed that enforcement, via Fixed Penalty Notices, would only be used against those that refused to engage and comply.


The Cabinet Member also paid tribute to the work and support of the Council’s Member Champion for Climate Change, who had been particularly helpful in identifying sources of external funding and best practice to support the implementation of the AQAP.


Cabinet resolved to:


(i)  Note progress on the delivery of the Air Quality Action Plan;


(ii)  Agree that to promote the use of electric and low emission vehicles with between 0 – 50 emissions (CO2) g/km, free parking concessions in respect of parking permits and Council on-street bays and car parks shall apply, as detailed in paragraphs 2.8 and 2.9 of the report; and


(iii)  Agree the introduction of new arrangements to discourage vehicle engine idling and raise driver awareness through positive engagement and targeted communications, including enforcement by means of the issue of Fixed Penalty Notices in cases where drivers refuse to comply, as detailed in paragraphs 2.21 - 2.23 of the report.