Issue - meetings

Energy Company Obligation (ECO4) Programme

Meeting: 12/07/2022 - Cabinet (Item 17)

17 Energy Company Obligation (ECO4) Programme pdf icon PDF 114 KB


The Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Economic Development introduced a report on the fourth and final iteration of the Energy Company Obligation (ECO) scheme.


By Minute 63 (15 October 2019), the Council had partnered with E.ON Energy Services for the third phase of the ECO, which had delivered the Cosy Homes scheme whereby more than 1,100 free energy efficiency installs had been delivered across all housing tenures.  ECO3 ended in March 2022 and it was proposed to follow a similar procurement route for ECO4, with a view to engaging a partner to build on that legacy and help even more residents out of fuel poverty.  In that regard, it was noted that ECO3 had helped the Borough in being recognised as the London Region’s Best Largest Retrofit and Insulation Scheme at the Energy Efficiency Awards in November 2021.


The Cabinet Member clarified the eligibility criteria for the scheme and the types of works undertaken and took onboard the need for regular communication with residents to overcome some of the concerns raised in earlier schemes.


Cabinet colleagues spoke in support of the proposals and the Cabinet Member for Public Realm and Climate Change particularly welcomed them as another positive step to helping the Council achieve its commitment to become a Net Zero organisation by 2030 and for the wider Borough to become carbon neutral by 2050.


Cabinet resolved to:


(i)  Approve the expression of interest route to test the market and find a delivery partner to ensure the Council maximises the number of free energy efficiency installs under ECO4 across all tenures, subject to the endorsement of the Procurement Board;


(ii)  In respect of Council owned properties, waive the requirement to tender under paragraph 28.5 of the Council’s Contract Rules in order for the Council to enter into a contract with the identified company to carry out energy efficient installs under ECO4, where appropriate; and


(iii)  Delegate authority to the Strategic Director, Inclusive Growth, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Economic Development, the Chief Legal Officer and the Strategic Director, My Place, to appoint the successful bidder and enter into the contracts and all other necessary or ancillary agreements set out in the report, including accessing grant opportunities.