Issue - meetings

Any other public items which the Chair decides are urgent

Meeting: 19/04/2022 - Cabinet (Item 108)

Councillor Evelyn Carpenter


The Chair placed on record the Cabinet’s appreciation to Councillor Evelyn Carpenter, Cabinet Member for Educational Attainment and School Improvement, who would be standing down from the Council at the May Local Elections after 16 years’ service.


The Chair referred to the significant improvements within the Borough’s schools since Councillor Carpenter assumed responsibility for the education portfolio in 2014 and her commitment to improving standards and opportunities for all, with particular mention made to the Adult College which Councillor Carpenter was such a strong advocate for.


Cabinet colleagues also paid their own personal tributes to Councillor Carpenter, referring to her dedication, integrity, attention to detail and tireless commitment to improving the lives of everyone who lived, worked and were educated in the Borough, particularly those in Becontree ward who she had represented since joining the Council.  Cabinet colleagues also welcomed, with some trepidation, Councillor Carpenter’s continued interest in the work of the Council, and the Cabinet in particular, after she had stepped down.


The Chair advised that, unfortunately, Councillor Carpenter was not feeling well enough to attend tonight’s meeting and he asked all those present to join him in a minute’s applause in recognition of her outstanding contribution.